Ormston Realty Group at Real Broker

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About Ryan Caldwell, REALTOR®

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Ryan Caldwell


Buying a home can be stressful, frustrating, intimidating, and maybe even scary. Why? Because it can or will be THE largest purchase you ever make in your life. Even if it’s your second or third home, the process of finding and buying a home can be a daunting task. 


So what does one do to mitigate these feelings when buying a home? Find a REALTOR® who will provide you service that will make the whole process as smooth as possible. As a buyer’s agent for Ormston Realty Group by Real Broker, I am here to help! 


I’ve lived in Lethbridge since 1998, and as a family man, married with 3 beautiful daughters, I have found this city and surrounding area to be one of the best places in Alberta to live. Not only to raise a family, but for retirement, or attending post-secondary school. I understand the dynamics of this city: neighbourhoods, schools, and businesses.


If you’d like to work with someone who can lead you through the process of buying a home with ease, I am here to serve. If you’re looking for opportunities to invest in properties that cash flow, I am here to help.

Designation: ABR®
Languages: English
Speciality: residential and rural
Area Covered: Lethbridge, Coaldale, Coalhurst, Nobleford, Raymond, Magrath, Stirling
Awards: Accredited Buyers Representative (ABR®)
Experience: 7

Contact Me

Ormston Realty Group at Real Brokerindependently owned & operated

#203-503 7th St S, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1J 0V1

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